Brewery (BW) and meat processing (MPW), wastewatersWhich were used as a base of the, culture mediaWere obtained from a local brewery and a local meat.Processing plant. Both wastes were centrifuged at.12 000 experience, g / 15 min to remove the solids in suspension.The supernatant obtained from BW contained (g / L):COD 3.40; total, sugars 1.98 reducing sugars 1.46;,,;Total, nitrogen 0.095; total, phosphorous 0.034. The.Composition of the supernatant obtained from MPW.(g / L), was: COD 3.00; total sugars 1.82; reducing sugars,,0.99; total, nitrogen 0.172; total, phosphorous 0.028.The production media were obtained by supplementing.These supernatants with the following nutrients (G.L): mycological, peptone 3.0; (NH4) 2SO4 6.6; CaCO3,,8.0; NaCl 5;,, KH2PO4 3.5; FeSO4, Æ 7H2O 0.15;MgSO4, Æ 7H2O 0.10. To study the influence of the initial.Concentration of starch on amylase and, protease productionThe media were supplemented with soluble potato.Starch to obtain initial starch concentrations, of 1020 30 and, 40 g / L. Media without starch were used as.Controls. The media were adjusted at pH 6.0 and sterilized.(121 C / 15 min), inoculated with a 2% inoculum.Level (3 experience 107 spores / mL) and incubated at 30 C / 88 H.All submerged cultures were carried out in 250-mL.Erlenmeyer with 50 mL of production media in an.Orbital shaker (200 rpm), using eight flasks in each fermentation.Series.
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