Importance Note: - Please come to receiving “OBL” at our office on 07/04/2014 (within morning) - This shipment use “Trailer” trucking only - Please check and update our container this shipment will be arrive SCI port.
Importance Note: - Please come to receiving "OBL" at our office on 07/04/2014 (within morning)- This shipment use "Trailer" trucking only- Please check and update our container this shipment will be arrive SCI port.
Importance Note: - Please Come to receiving "OBL" at our Office on 4/7/2014 (Within Morning) - This shipment Use "Trailer" Trucking only - Please Check and update our shipment Will this be arrive SCI Container Port.
Importance Note: - Please come to receiving "OBL." at our office on 07 / 04 / 2014 (within morning) - This shipment use "Trailer." Trucking only - Please check and update our container this shipment will be arrive SCI port. .