2.9 The TEACHER shall be responsible to implement the English for Communication focusing on speaking and listening skills.
2.9.1. Skills Competition - The TEACHER will be responsible for the teaching of English vocabulary. This is essential for participation. In an English vocabulary competition at the school (depending on school).The EMPLOYER will provide activities to aid the TEACHER to this end during the semester if necessary.
2.9.2 Morning Talk - The. TEACHER will regularly prepare a topic on morality community service, or civics for discussion lasting 2 - 5 minutes for the. Morning assembly. This can be prepared and presented in coordination with the other foreign teachers at the school.EMPLOYER may give assistance in preparing this talk when necessary.
2.9.3 Morning Greeting - The TEACHER will greet students. And parents at the front gate of the school. Morning Greeting occurs approximately 30 minutes prior to contract school s. ' Morning assembly time. Days and times will be arranged by the school and TEACHER.
2.9.4 One Day One Word - The TEACHER will advise students to present English Vocabulary in class.
2.9.5 English Camp - The. TEACHER will participate in one (1) English Camp / semester without additional pay. The camp will likely be one Saturday during. The semester but may, be both Saturday and Sunday in some cases. The EMPLOYER will inform the TEACHER of the date and location.Any English camps undertaken by the TEACHER thereafter will be compensated at the rate, of 1 000 baht / day. All English Camps. Are organized and produced by the EMPLOYER.
Teacher Signature............ beautiful..........
2.9.6 Teaching Teachers - The TEACHER will. Teach English in coordination, with other, foreign teachersTo a class of Thai teachers after school for a maximum total of 20 hours / semester (depending on school). Dates and times. Will be arranged by the school and TEACHER. The school may also use this time to
teach locals in the community such as,, The police taxi drivers,,, etc. Or may choose to not use this time at all. The TEACHER may teach Thai teachers or community. Members during the, school dayAnd in, this case these teaching hours will be included within the weekly teaching hours maximum.
2.10 The TEACHER understands. The importance of building close relationships with Thai teachers and staff at the assigned school. The TEACHER will not. Address issues of concern with any staff at the assigned school. Due to differences between Western and, Thai cultureAttempts to resolve any concern directly often create large misunderstandings that can be detrimental to a successful working. Relationship. Such misunderstandings can lead, to embitterment hurt feelings and a, tendency toward generally uncooperative. Behavior.
2.10.1 If the TEACHER has a concern over any issue at the school with life, in Thailand or in general,,He / she should speak only with coordinator staff of EMPLOYER for advice and / or help in resolving the issue. If the issue. Is resolvable a member, of the EMPLOYER staff will assuage the situation through whatever means he / she sees fit. If the. Issue is, not resolvableThe TEACHER agrees to drop related concerns in the interest of maintaining a peaceful workplace after all attempts to resolve. The issue have been exhausted by the EMPLOYER
2.11 As the TEACHER has chosen to live, in Thailand the TEACHER agrees to. Accommodate Thai culture both in and outside of the workplace.
2.11.1 The TEACHER should attempt to learn more about Thai culture and language while living in Thailand.
Teacher Signature............ beautiful..........
3.1. The EMPLOYER shall pay a salary of Baht per month to the TEACHER.
3.1.1 () Should TEACHER and / or EMPLOYER terminate the. Contract earlier than the proposed, end date the TEACHER will be paid up to the last working day.
3.1.2 Should the contracted school begin and / or end on earlier and / or later dates the TEACHER, will be paid for all extra days. Worked.
3.1.3 The EMPLOYER will deduct 3% from Baht the TEACHER 's net monthly income for Personal Income Tax, purposes.
3.2 The EMPLOYER will pay the TEACHER 's salary on the 5th day of each month for the period of the 1st to the 30 / 31st of. The preceding month.
3.3 The EMPLOYER shall pay the TEACHER 300 baht / hour for any hours taught by the TEACHER exceeding the contracted hours / week.? These hours must be approved by EMPLOYER in advance. The EMPLOYER will not pay the TEACHER for make-up teaching hours for. Days missed including those, missed for visa runs. The TEACHER agrees to, maintain flexibilityAnd be available in the unlikely event that the school requires additional hours that are approved by EMPLOYER.
3.3.1 Hourly. Requirements do not include the activities staff meetings, or regional staff meetings that may occur on occasion in some. Provinces. TEACHER must attend meetings if asked by the school.
3.4 Payment of salary will be made via direct deposit into a bank account arranged by the EMPLOYER. The cost of the ATM Card. Is 300 baht. This amount will be deducted from the first salary and is non-refundable. The EMPLOYER will make a deposit. Into the TEACHER 's account in order to open the account and the, deposit made by the EMPLOYER will be deducted from the. TEACHER 's first paycheck.
3.4.1 If a TEACHER already has a Thailand, bank account he / she may receive salary in this account free of charge if at Siam. Commercial Bank (SCB), and for 35 baht per salary transaction if at another bank. The EMPLOYER will not make international. Transfers for salary.
3.4.2 Foreigners are usually unable to obtain their own bank accounts in Thailand without a work permit.EMPLOYER will arrange bank account for employee if TEACHER does not have a bank account.
3.5 Thai Ministry of Labor will. Fine the, EMPLOYER 1 000 baht if a previous TEACHER 'S work permit is not returned.
3.5.1 A deposit, of 1 000 baht will be. Held from the TEACHER 's third salary payment and reimbursed, upon receipt of the TEACHER' S work permit at the end of the. Semester.
3.6 Any errors in the calculation of the salary must be reported to the EMPLOYER within 7 days of payment.
3.7 The TEACHER. Must attend the Thai Language and Culture course organized by EMPLOYER scheduled in the EMPLOYER orientation if the TEACHER. Does not already possess an unexpired Thai Language and Culture Course certificate. The TEACHER is not responsible for all. Costs of this course.
.Teacher Signature............ beautiful..........
4.1 Should the TEACHER be ill and absent, from school it. Is the TEACHER 's responsibility to phone both the EMPLOYER (assigned consultant) and the contracted school before 7: 00, am. Failure to do so may result in the school imposing an hourly fine on My Heart Global Education In, this case.The fine will be passed on to the teacher. In the event of no fine the TEACHER, should understand that unexplained lateness. Or absence damages the reputation of the EMPLOYER and will, be not taken lightly. The EMPLOYER must apologize to the school. For, every absence and will fine the teacher for this.
4.2 The TEACHER will be allowed three (3) paid sick days per semester.
4.2.1 Proof of illness must be provided if requested by EMPLOYER in the form of a doctor 's note.
4.3 Should the TEACHER be. Ill for more than three (3) days per semester the TEACHER ', S salary will be deducted at a rate, of 1 000 baht / day.
4.4 Should. The TEACHER fail to notify the EMPLOYER of ANY absence from school and / or fail to produce doctor ', s NoteThe EMPLOYER reserves the right to deduct the TEACHER ', S salary 1 000 baht / day.
4.5 Serious cases such as surgery or major. Accidents may be deemed by the EMPLOYER to be special circumstances and shall be dealt with on a case by case basis.
4.6. The TEACHER will apply for and extend any necessary visas and / or work permits on dates arranged and scheduled by the EMPLOYER.The EMPLOYER must be informed of any absence due to visa and / or work permit issues prior to said absence.
4.6.1 The EMPLOYER. Reserves the right to, deduct 1 000 baht / day from the TEACHER 's salary for any unauthorized and / or unexplained absence due. To visas and / or work permits.
4.6.2 The TEACHER will be fined, at 1 000 baht / day if a visa run extends beyond 3 days per. Semester.And if such a delay due to TEACHER error.
4.7 Failure to report absence from work for a period of two continuous days will. Result in the TEACHER 's contract being terminated and the severance fee being assessed to the TEACHER.
Teacher Signature............ beautiful..........
5.1 The TEACHER is responsible for the costs associated with maintaining a valid working visa and such, as, all for initial. Costs of obtaining and extending the Non - Immigrant B Visa and Visa Extension.
5.2 The TEACHER must supply the EMPLOYER. With original / copies of all, relevant degrees diplomas and / or certificates criminal clearance, check photos copies of,,, Passport.TOEIC Certificate (for South African teachers) and medical check (obtained in Thailand), as requested which are required. For obtaining and extending the Work Permit and Non-Immigrant, B Visa when asked by the EMPLOYER.
5.2.1 The EMPLOYER will. Make requests for these documents at least one week in advance of the representative of the EMPLOYER visiting the TEACHER. At school.
5.2.2 If the TEACHER has been notified to obtain requested documents according to section 5.2.1 but has not obtained the documents. Before the representative 's arrival at the TEACHER', s school the EMPLOYER reserves the right to fine the teacher at a rate. Of 3 baht per kilometer traveled by the representative to the school, from BangkokAnd a flat rate of 500 baht for representative 's hotel expense if the journey is more than 400 kilometers from Bangkok. One -.
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