A sample was selected from ...................... ................ cases were included as a sample จาก 3 ภาคส่วน คือ 1) ภาคประชาชน 2) ภาควิชาการ และ 3) ภาคการเมือง รวมทั้งสิ้น 50 คน
A sample was selected from ...................................... cases were included as a sampleFrom the 3 sectors: the public sector 1) 2) 3), and Department of political science, a total of 50 people.
Selected from Sample A was ...................... ................ As a Sample Included Cases were from. 3 sectors: 1) public sector 2) Department and 3) politics total of 50 people.
A sample was selected from... The... The.... ...,... Cases were included as a sample from 3 sectors is 1). The public sector 2) department and 3) politics, as well as the 50 people.