The internet has become both a centre and a platform for commerce and this is reshaping payment systems across the world. Changes include moves to phase out cheques and a decline in the rate at which the use of credit and debit cards increases.
The internet has become both a centreand a platform for commerce and this isreshaping payment systems across theworld. Changes include moves to phaseout cheques and a decline in the rate atwhich the use of credit and debit cardsincreases.
The internet has both Become a Centre and a Platform for commerce and this is reshaping Payment Systems Across the World. Changes include Moves to phase out checks and a decline in the rate at which the use of Credit and Debit cards increases.
The Internet has become both a centre.And a platform for commerce and this is.Reshaping payment systems across the.World. Changes include moves to phase.Out cheques and a decline in the rate at.Which the use of credit and debit cards.Increases.