5. The ultimate about time and place (Displacement)
.Humans can use their own language, discusses the incident in the past, present, and future, the use of language can tell the incident. At the place far away and invisible, such as last month, last year, one thousand years ago.Now, one hundred years, and the place where human say, here, there, here, there, human language to describe all, whether those places will be true. Located near or far. Examples in English, such as Venus is.In carbon dioxide.Last, two years I went to Europe.
6 ability as a tool to convey the culture and Science (Cultural transmission)
.In order to communicate in the language system, which is a form of communication that will need to be built to a system or in the organs นั้นป็ surely. Biological mechanisms in creating or system to such pattern is 2 e ways, one isBy transmitting through the genes from parent to child, another is the cultural mechanism, which will require learning. Teaching training from one version to another generation. Language is a cultural transmission from generation to generation.If small children not in the environment of using language often have problems in learning the language. Or to use the language normally general, for example.Both Thai and English learning. Inherited in the society and the environment that those people live. One of the crucial elements transfer through social culture is to mimic.Man has the ability to mimic human ourselves in the social culture with
.Conclusion from the above characteristics, the most notable is the human human language is the no limit (Productivity). The ultimate about time and place (Displacement) and down is the ultimate in terms of senderThe ability is a tool of culture transmission (Cultural transmission) and intravenous anesthetics (Duality)
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