Rum Beach - starring beach Near the jetty Juksamet. The intersection of Highway 3 and Highway 3126, about five kilometers if it falls into the end of the jetty Juksamet. If you turn left a little to reach the beach dancers - starring beach. The dancers have a length of about 500 meters of beach sand and smooth texture. A beach is shady pine forest With restaurants and lodges Shallow beach is ideal for swimming or sailing. The beach adjacent starring The beach is a short quieter. White sand beach with rocks and water well he pitched Chao. Located on the southern end of the bay curved pine beauty. You can drive up to To pay homage to Krom Luang Chumphon Khet Udomsak. Which was constructed in 2503 near the same beacon Chumphon Khet Udomsak. A lighthouse-shaped fins, fin height 19.50 meters use light as a landmark for ships in the night. The ship, dubbed the military said. "Light of the sea, Thailand" is also a point of view, he pointed Chao. Sattahip Bay overlooking the Gulf of Toei Ngam, Koh Tao island the pot, including the Gulf of Thailand gracefully Sea Turtle Conservation Center. Located on the beach Juksamet In the Air and Coastal Command. An aquatic center and rearing of sea turtles in the Andaman Islands. By the kindergarten to 3-6 months and then released back into the sea. The center consists of three parts: the exhibition building aquarium and pond rearing of sea turtles. The museum is open from 08:00 to 16:30 hrs. Every day without any cost, the Toei Ngam Bay (Bay Naval), formerly known as the Bay of each eye. Bay Meadows bantam A silky white sand contrasting with the blue sea about two kilometers past a beach filled with sea pandanus trees. Which is still seen today. Toei Ngam Bay is not much slope to the water is not deep, ideal for swimming. The Chinese believe that beauty is pandan bay "Navel of the Dragon" in the Gulf because the water will flow into the bay from Cape Chao. It is a natural force causing Moreover, there is a memorial. The King had a boat leaves from the Gulf of Thailand, Hua Hin. Toei Ngam Bay reached on 19 April 2509, over a distance of 60 nautical miles solely as His Royal Marines Museum. Located on the beautiful Gulf of pandanus A single-storey building used to show the history of the Royal Navy, Thailand. From past to present The museum is open daily from 09:00 to 12:00 am. And 13:00 to 16:00 hrs. The admission fee. The building is divided into six exhibition rooms and a central notification and Hat Sai Kaew is located inside the Naval school assembly. Is one of the most beautiful beach in Sattahip. Because the deer was clean, smooth stretches more than 1 kilometer and the bright blue sea. Beach House restaurant with traditional Thailand and various water activities : From Muang Chon Buri. Take Highway 3, approximately 86 kilometers to the Sattahip. The road runs along the beach. To enter the field of naval hours: If a building or a museum exhibit of mostly open from 8:00 to 16:30 am. But if they are attractive sandy beach. It is open to tour all the time. But it must pass the guard before Admission: No admission fee.
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