AbstractDevelopment of a mandatory program, the 4-rotor helicopter is designed using Microsoft Visual Basic program to force the movement of the helicopter rotor, 4 move, which uses a motor-driven operation of the four propeller blades and using a 2.4 GHz transmitter receiver is a signal from the computer to the plane to move. Commander, helicopter, helicopter rotor blades can be enforced through the computer 4. This is a helicopter propeller 4 stops working when the battery runs out or forced to enter commands through the computer system only.From a study of the development of the 4-rotor helicopter program mandatory automatic system that uses micro-code ontheronloe control Arduino Atmega 328 is the operation of the helicopter forced the 4 rotor auto. Use the 2.4 GHz transmitter is sending a signal to the body of the helicopter forced the 4 blades, and use the GPS receiver is the receiver. From the results of the experiment in the control of the Microsoft Visual Basic program, use a helicopter with a computer system through the Atmega 328 Arduino helicopter control actually found by vertical movement in the move to mobile siksaek-mobile bands and maintain a level of squares. Can move the direction that you want.
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