ปี 2544 Korea’s hip hop flex เคยร่วมงานใน Perry’s first album Lexy’s first album 2002 YG family 2nd album, YMCA baseball program Swi.T's first album Se7en’s 1st and 3rd album
Hip hop flex 2544 (2001) Korea year. Have you ever been involved in. Perry's first album Lexy's first album 2002 YG family 2nd album, YMCA baseball program Swi.T's first album Se7en's 1st and 3rd album
Year 2544 Korea's hip hop flex been working in Perry's First album Lexy's album First 2,002 YG Family 2nd album, YMCA Baseball Program Swi.T's First album Se7en's 1st and 3rd album.
Perry has participated in the' s first album Lexy 's first album 2002 YG family 2nd album YMCA baseball,, Program Swi.T 's first album Se7en' s 1st and 3rd album.