As a hybrid between the mixed breeding stems open (Open pollination) has the characteristics of the oval shape, long ก้านผล 5.33 cm, fruit weight 3.42 kg. Bark thickness 1.66 cm, flesh thickness 1.20 cm, weight per fruit weight percentage of meat was 25.35 percent percent เมล็ดลีบ 28.07 percent short maturity 104 days. Which is longer than the varieties of gold buttons 8.33
%% addiction worked between 1.32-6.45 percent when 4 weeks after flowering, or was at 3.89% (average 5 years) short maturity between 100-109 days after blossom, or was at 104 days (average 5 years) by flowering early January. And harvest early May, the outstanding characteristic is the color yellow YO14C.Smooth, sticky medium smell moderate
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