Birthday is a period of 3 month during the rainy season of monk will have to practice at the temple ใดวัด one by overnight temple, otherwise not. The prohibition to other gods in the temple throughout the 3 this month. The rainy season is the planting season. Rice seedlings fruit of the villagers are green. If the depart in this season to trample on rice seedlings fruit of the villagers were damaged. The Buddha is necessary to a stop or break lent rain 3 month, not a pilgrimage journey overnight elsewhere (lent means rain check). Lent has since modern era or since the time of the Buddha.Lent is the waning days of 1 night the moon according to the lunar calendar, or 8 during July and วนับ again 3 month is the Buddhist Lent. Which falls on the full moon day of month 11 15 dinner or during October every year. When the rain stopped to rest or lent to Queen"s time to learn only by reading the book. The time to read to understand and remember is the best at night. The quiet meditation easily. In the past, there is no time to read the book, so the electric candles. When people know the candle to the monks. Especially present in Lent. Which is considered to have great merit greatly. That is to make the life of the present happy comfortable, bright, dark, or in other words, whose wisdom, knowledge, smart enough, which match the English. Bright offering unto the candle in Lent is the Buddhist tradition since ancient times count due to นถึง present. But at present the modern popular for light bulb instead. Because the light more candles, easy to use, and has great merit as well.The Ubon Ratchathani, like Buddhists in general. When lent will bring a candle to the monks. In the past, there is no candle package sales. People will use the wax honeycomb to boil to melt and cotton to be wick dipped in honey dissolved. Let cool enough to hand similar to the wax surrounding wick full (this method of Ubon Ratchathani, called "fan candle").
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