The scope of the fair value of the assets of each item that is a direct result from reference price in market prices in the recent market liquidity or theOr as a result of using other techniques in the measurement to estimate fair value
.For property, plant and equipment of each type is revaluation to book value should be realized if the asset shows the using cost. And surplus from the revaluation of assets.And the limitation in the distribution of surplus to shareholders
.Businesses must disclose information about land transactions. The building and equipment with impairment as specified in the Accounting Standards No. 36 2552 (improve), impairment of assets.
the book value of the land. The building and equipment operation stop use temporarily
.Book value before deduction of depreciation and accumulated impairment losses accumulated of land, buildings and equipment. The deduction of depreciation full number, but still active
.The book value of property, plant and equipment. The discharge from the use of the and are not classified as assets held for sale, according to the standard the 5 (Dow Jones report financial improvement. 2552).And, in the case of business option cost. Business to reveal the fair value of the land. Buildings and equipment when the fair value is different from the book value is the essence
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