After that, walk away, and then li khoe while maintenance worker whom it has walked away with his dog, it has one woman walked into. She came to her, which of course is a khoe li's wife li khoe. She has Ta.Ngadat charit Enough, she added, did not meet li khoe. She was able to walk away. After that, George lane here because จก็ has to scold her, not looked at each lane is this sight, but George has never let her go, because to have the lane judge who was more than a typical woman. The State-own a snap noise coming from the outside, it is one of the men walked into. He named his Chief masueng slip driver and he has a generous gesture to anyone. Come chat with chot makhao slip and Lane, then male-friendly walking into another. He called Carson He came to ask for the aid of slip that dog baby go out. Then slip your car San. to eat outside and have invited George lane here. But before George and len is going to eat the rice. Lane here. let slip a heifer he asked George chest puppies of slim 1. จก็ agree that George will asks,
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