Fertilizer applicationThrough Earth.-Before moving down to 1-2 days, planting saplings put Primer in the rate of 40-50 kilos per Rai.-30 days after planting saplings down moves put the Foundation at a rate of 40-50 kilos per Rai.-After moving into planting saplings Chemical fertilizer formula is approximately 60 days 15-15-15 or 25-7-7 10-15 kilograms per Rai rate rate of 20-30 kg per farm, about 2 times a day, 20 at a time.The way the-Spray Foethin maintenance cost formula bio-insect (red label), a rate of 30-40 cc water 20 litres per every 7-10 days to create a pole of sticky pepper flower trees that yield strength for a long time by not w. The output has a better weight and when used according to the instructions on a regular basis will help reduce and prevent the destruction of the nathaerok Casino Hotel. Other fungal diseases. The different types of worms, insects, and helps reduce the cost of using the chemicals.-In case the amount of white pepper showing symptoms (due to lack of nutrient supplements), spraying the supplements include "Hotel KEA" label specified by the injection of auxiliary rate every 14-21 days.- ช่วงที่พริกเริ่มให้ผลผลิตแล้ว จะมีผลผลิตมาก อาจฉีดพ่นเสริมด้วย อัตรา 40 ซีซีต่อน้ำ 20 ลิตร เพื่อให้ได้เม็ดพริกขนาดใหญ่(ในพริกพันธุ์เล็ก ใช้เพียงไบโอเฟอร์ทิลสูตรบำรุงต้น ไล่แมลง ก็เพียงพอ)
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