Food foodDomestic New Zealand cuisine has called fresh and clean, especially the food category fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood, lamb, and dairy products because the country New Zealand beef and lamb production source is the product. Butter milk Because New Zealand is a country with a population of diverse ethnic origin to the settlers, there is a restaurant, coffee shop and fast food corner, many food Center. Students and students can select international cuisine. Easier to eat, especially in the big cities. Super Devil packets and Chinese people's grocery shopping as raw material for making furniture. Water supply for the city, such as Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington clean water can drinking.1. Dragon Shrimp (Crayfish) Crayfish (Crayfish) is one of New Zealand's people that call, which is a different species, with fish khre in some countries. That's taken place, it would be between 5-10 years of sweet and delicious taste is possible.2. wine mal Bo row (Marlborough), if talking about wine. Need to think about "the Valley (Wairau Valley) in mal Bo row wine varieties, it is the largest and most famous of here. That there are now nearly 50 wines, farm business operators sit at a Montana Ranch wine (wine producers in New Zealand's largest) is the first initiative taken good varieties planted grapes in this region to range. Decades 19703. the Green shell Mussel (Greenshell Mussel) in addition to the title's. New Zealand also raised the subject with to such an extent that mussels are mussels town quite (city-flock-Havelock) that are popular to eat that food menu command there are two different kinds of grilled scallops (Fresh Flats), and steamed clams (Fresh Steamers) the grilled mussels are served by only one cover design cover sheep so we can grill and then add the various best steamed mussels are steamed, they both were. Before lifting the transformer is served for tasting meat and water to taste at the same time.4. Kiwi Kiwi (Kiwi) this page before is unknown how much of the world, but when I found that the Kiwi store in refrigerator or cold room. Ability to maintain quality as long as 6 months. Kiwi fruit, the Kiwi is well known and widespread. In 1998, there were found the Golden Kiwi (Zespri Gold Kiwi) which has yellow flesh and a sweet juicy flavor than the original breed of alternative green (Hayward Kiwi Green) with sour-sweet taste as well. The Kiwi became more popular.
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