The cell wall (English: Cell wall) is the round cells, which is next to a layer of cell membranes. Serves as a support structure to protect the cells and mechanism of screening compounds
.The cell wall also have the duty to prevent excessive expansion if the water flows through the inside of the cell, often found in plants, bacteria, archaea, and fungus. Algae found in animals and a floor outside the end cell.The structure consists of molecules of cellulose is the main component of the cell wall has a longitudinal lines arranged in groups, each group called the micelle. (Micelle) which contain cellulose 100 molecules.Link a mesh. Within the channel between the lines of micelle with substances lignin cutin. The suberin and pectin inserted. Then the micelle each group gathered in micro ไฟบริ which have 2 cellulose, story000 molecular micro wind ไฟบริ gathered a macro fibril, which has about 500 cellulose, molecular 000 gap between these fibers are substances that are not cellulose inserted
.The arrangement of microfibrils in the cell wall, first and second floor are different primary cell wall built between the cell's growth. The fiber first built will sort cross each other when cell enlargementAnd creating new microfibril time when ripe. Microfibril created before often arranged in parallel along the longitudinal axis of the cell. The microfibril created later by horizontal bands around the cell.The cell wall layer. Created after cell enlargement. The orderly arrangement than the primary cell wall [1]
.Plant cell wall is not the solid fresh time. But there will be a box to adjacent cells can send a message, chemistry, and let the water and nutrients through. Through the thin walls or a hole called the pit (Pit).Called plasmodesmata (Plasmodesmata)
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