เปลโต (Plato) เป็นนักปรัชญากรีกที่มีแนวคิดโดดเด่น และซับซ้อนมาก ส่งผลต่อปรัชญาตะวันตกมาจนถึงปัจจุบัน นับได้ว่าเหนือกว่าอาจารย์ของเขาคือโซคราตีส (Socrates) ซึ่งต้องเสียชีวิตเพราะดื่มยาพิษ โซคราตีสไม่ได้เขียนบันทึกแนวคิดของตนเป็นลายลักษณ์อักษร และซ้ำร้าย เรารู้จักโซคราตีสผ่านงานเขียนของเปลโตเสียเกือบทั้งหมด Baby alive 427 during the growth years to-347 years before Christ. The theory is the core of his ideas, it is a world of theory (the World of forms), or the world, which is a removal of a perfection or completion of what is in this world, and stamping it with this world in which we live. Of course, the world in which we live, this finding is not perfection, because the image is stamped from the world. A man enters the world, it must be used to reach a larger and more traditional that is of good (Form of Goodness), which is like the Sun, makes the man to know, for example, to see the world, all over the world.(Part of the painting School of Athens by Raphael who stand on the left hand side is the chapel. That is right, is the service's stony toen. The cradle pointing more dialog above refers to the concept of different to emphasis on his world. While the index finger below the river's stony toen is back to the world.) To explain the concept of a world title clearly write grown baby's story. Cave people (Allegory of Cave) in the book the hottest name in political philosophy, he's are rich, State or Republic is the story of a team that is chained in the cave by the facing walls everyday people, they'll see a shadow from the external world rest upon the cave wall with access to think that the shadow is a fact, but then one day. One of the cave man, was released from the cave to see a picture of the reality of the outside and then understand that at any time in the past. The things they think are true, but a plain shiny, then he would do well to let their party is still in the caves and that the shadows are reality. The cave man flee who was Toshiba cot in the world. Most people who live in the caves, he is a man who sees things in the world that this is the reality.
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