Today, there are various types of cuisine, you choose whether it's food or health food and chang in a variety of ways to Cook. Therefore you should consider before you eat every time you eat that food that is going to give you one or both know as punishment, it should avoid such foods are flavoured. Instant food, etc. Know, I usually eat vegetables like they don't eat meat, but I'm kinda like eating pork, chicken, fish.I like to eat a lot of vegetables, but I'm not a fatalist, Ana สวัริต. I like eat or buy low-fat foods that provide useful and good for the body. Some of it they've bought new dishes, such as eating organic dairy service all c. It's very expensive, but with the past can rarely buy, how much. As before, I like to eat ham and berries & French fries, but I came to feel that my weight gain and how much bad feeling.I avoid the Today, I'm cooking in the House. How do I avoid sugar and monosodium glutamate (msg), because it is not good for the body, may cause hair loss. And in the House, I have an 80 year old grandmother to mother. So I'm cooking I must be very careful, I avoid foods with fats and MSG to complete cooking, such as advertisements, instead of eating fish with vegetables to your good health.
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