2.1 statistics workshop description (Descriptive Statistics) by explaining the General information of samples and semi-finished noodles consumption behaviour of rajabhat University students came to Tainan Park, which is an analysis of percent (Percentage) average (Mean) (Standard Deviation)
2.2. complex statistics to estimate (Inferential Statistics) to hydrology. Test your hypothesis by analyzing the relation using the valuation method of CAI-square (Chi-square test), and test the difference of classification research based on personal factors, using t-statistics. And how one way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance – One Way) by the Independent Samples t-Test is a test to order prices – a difference of average of a 2 or 2 variables set by each set of data sampling independently against each other. – Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA – One way), it's a test, the difference in the average of data from 2 or more sets, each set of data sampling. Are not independent as Anova of one-way information.
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