today I'll present about the form and details a writing project, which is the main topic 9 and takes in a speech about 10 minutes. After that, I'd be happy to answer when spoken
.First notice that the Christian University level project is 4 types including project guidance education. The academic service to society, the development of student
.And project development personnel. Each project will have the form and details a writing project 9 topics as follows:
the Project Title ระบุชื่อโครงการ must be clear. Specific cause easy understanding to stakeholders
Responsible Unit
.To enter in order to know which unit is responsible for project
Significance and Rationale
.A part represents the problem or need for the project. By the proposed project will need to identify what the problem is with the who, where, when, due to what the data support Objectives evident
.As part of that project, needs to do and want to make anything happen. Should be clear objectives, easy to understand, can be treated, the measurement and evaluation Target Group
.Specifies the program. Or who will get the result from the
Operating Plan plan
.Identifying process project respectively before and after the time, place, organized activities and personnel clearly
Specified. Place and time place and time align
.Identifying the location of the project And the specified at the time of the
Expected Benefits expected benefits
.To describe the benefits to occur when the project done on purpose, stating that who will benefit how much.
a Budget show details of the estimates of revenue and expenditure for the project
.When you write a detailed project. All 9 main topics mentioned above. You will be able to present to Christian University.
end presentation
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