From the results of the experimental study of kindergarten-age term senatoria M. scallop balls light up and down the island. In waters with salinity levels, reduction of kindergarten into different fee levels and 30 25 20 15 10 5 parts in a thousand parts, respectively. It found that both growth and survival rate of scallops are extremely significant difference (p < 0.05) by คัญางสถิติ found that ball shells in water salinity of 30 kindergarten is growing and the average survival rate for most. Working distance range from kindergarten-age or D-shaped veligers (age 1-3 days) up and down the island or settled (age 13-15 days), standing as the second-largest kindergarten in which adjusted the salinity down to 25 20 15 parts in a thousand parts, respectively. By the shell in the water salinity, kindergarten is reduced to 15 20 and 25 parts in a thousand dies within the entire section 5 to 9 and 11, respectively. Scallop balls section kindergarten in water which lowered salinity down to 10 ppb part found that all standing, dead shells. After adjusting the salinity of the water is done.
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