Nicholas Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus), khat, the new.Born February 19, 1,267 towns TU run PolandDied May 24 Poland buk 1543 city front. As an astronomer, after an era of famous people with Aristo title theory "in the world, it is the center of the solar system." Copernicus Poland khat is the people of New Orleans. Born as a rich but a helpless father since a child. He was in his uncle's rule that a priest whose role here, he and his doctors want to give prospective. He had come prepared for medical education, such as mathematics, geography, astronomy, until turning to his astronomical interests turned to more, but finally he turned to the study of law, rather than until the level at the University of Ferrara Italy but it's not like him, so he returned back.Study the physician again that University of Padua, the TA until he graduates, specializes in all aspects of law and philosophy in several. Religion and astronomy, which after his uncle died. He turned to astronomy interests seriously. Do the research The main tenet of the astronomer by another study it comes as about the swirling of the Sun, he has discovered a new theory, but conflicts with other people and religions, until he died, Greenberg and his discovery has been published to the public called "revolution in a way designed to orbit stars on the sky" (De Revolutionibus Orbrium Codestium) with the theory that the three are found.The Sun is the center of the solar system, the Earth and the other planets must be by rotation around the Sun takes 365 days or 1 year and season.The world is round and not flat shape that understand. By the time the world revolves around yourself for 1 day or 24 hours and day and night.The Sun is the planet khotronopduang in a circle, but astronomers say it is oval. The new Copernicus khat are astronomers theorize that correctly, and as with the old belief continuing revolution in this study many. All the hard work he dedicated to astronomy Medical and economic as the one person in the Government that the monetary policy that is based on the principle of. Unable to resolve the issue of money in Poland is country.The works of Nicholas was found. Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus), khat, the new.Set theory the world khotronopduang (Copernicus Theory), this theory says the Sun-centered solar. Planet Earth around the Sun, and the other to turn the world into a spherical shape.
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