4. the eco-tourism is tourism that encourages local communities to play a role in the thinking (planned) To do (perform or carry), and monitoring assessments, together with those relating to other parts of the public sector and the private sector is ready to receive compensation in the economy to raise incomes and quality of life of the local, as well as appropriate from the characteristics mentioned above.Summary of the meaning of eco-tourism as follows: "ecotourism" means "travelling along the natural resources and environmental conservation, with control over the impact and create an atmosphere of education. The natural environment and the local community to come and participate and benefit in order to enhance the quality of life "ecotourism. If based on the meaning and elements of ecotourism that wholesome are many countries, such as Costa Rica, Kenya and other countries in Central America and South America, the nature of the attractions that ecotourism is limited to a specific band is the only natural source.
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