3. the operator should be marketing activities or participate in borders of the frontier Marshal, to channel public relations and as a campaign to businesses with knowledge and understanding of the tourism industry in order to guide tourism development and planning in accordance with the characteristics and needs of the tourists.4. environmental conservation and development of the State should be the environment surrounding the market frontier Marshal, channels, and is still in development and should be cleaned and organized hundreds of stores are multi-purpose areas. dining or relaxing with a restaurant bathroom trash, there was adequate and clean, all this in order to accommodate the increasing number of tourists in the future.Suggestions for future research.1. should management studies of border markets. channels 75 in-depth interview travelers as well as by those who are involved in managing the tourism market at the border 75 channels to get information that is clear, accurate, which is beneficial to the management of the border market channel offerings in the future.2. There should be a comparative study of tourism management at the border and other potential markets and the famous salt factory frontier market, to bring the study to improve and develop the tourism market of frontier Marshal, a potential slot in a tourism fair.3. should your study habits, inbound tourists traveling 75 channels to bring the border market study results that have come to be able to support tourism development habits.4. should study the factors that influence the decisions of the other travelers, aside from personal factors, such as social and cultural factors, factors, factors which would be psychology sides represent the behaviour of tourists.
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