my companions went down to the second heaven, the glass staircase staircase staircase gold money
Buddha came down from the world is the Tavatimsa heavens when playing
He went back to the first floor became the heavens show date of the Dhamma, the Buddha's mother, and the rains came down, the city went down
สังกัส City is the city gates came down on the first floor and he stepped on the world
later on.It is a place called the 'อจล Memorial pagoda', called 'the impressions that we had in Thailand Bahts', according to legend, here is one of the
Bahts footprints which are implicitly
Buddha before he went down the stairs, the god Indra 3. Turn the stairs went down stairs is
gold glass staircase and a jewel stairs stairs for gold among the Angel down stairs on the right side of the left sampan
For beast and glass staircase for a jewel in the middle of each heavy bedstead Buddha headlines that he banished
stairs leading down to the city gates สังกัส
Among them, to the right of the Buddha is seen in the picture, it is among the people who came down to send
left the umbrella retainer sacrifice Buddha is the beast boycott brought her Buddha is the God Indra came to the
Next, is a lion melody harp five great rivers; b) the Ramayana hods, next to the right is the Ramayana, Chatuchak, Phan flowers Thip
autumns leading Buddhist came out
In particular, it is an angel innocent saints writer Buddhism later model
honor unto the name of the angel that 'Vatican' means that he is a God of gods, even more than an angel in every story that people in India
In those days the Best Regards, such as Indra and beast, etc.
of the Buddhists in Thailand that day rains is a popular and important day one day
According to monk, On this day, because it is the day that the Buddha had come down from Tavatimsa heavens called the lap
this boycott, 'monk' and the volume stands out due to the volume โรหณะ meant that monk in the day like day Buddha went
From the world.
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