Materials and proportions:
1. Beef, chicken 200 g
2. Potatoes 1-2 head (not too expensive to me)
. 3 onions 3-4 (this affordable to me. I'm secretly Kong)
4. Carrots 1 head
5. Tomatoes 2 balls
6. Garlic, pepper, coriander garnish
1.Salt ½
2. Powder seasoning 1 step cooking
1. Pounded garlic, pepper, coriander root
2. Potatoes, carrots, onion, tomatoes, washed and cut into pieces to
3.Boil enough water starts to boil Add garlic, salt, pepper, chilli paste. The hero is the Chicken When it boils again, foaming disposable spoon to eat the soup will be clear
4. Filled with vegetables, seasoning and reduce heat to a soft boil for about 1 hourThe sweet, delicious chicken broth.
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