Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by
Treponema pallidum. The bacteria could be transmitted from
pregnant woman to her fetus. In untreated cases, it is a risk
for miscarriage, preterm labor, fetal death in utero and
congenital syphilis1. Most of syphilis in pregnancy does not
show any signs or symptoms2. Serological test is a mainstay
technique to detect syphilis during pregnancy. VDRL
(Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) or RPR (Rapid Plasma
Reagin) are used but they are non-specific test. FTA-ABS
(Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption), TPHA
(Treponemal pallidum Hemagglutination Antibody) or TP-PA
(Treponema pallidum Particle Agglutination) are used to
confirm in case of positive screening test3. In our routine
antepartum screening, blood for VRDL is drawn in two
occasions during pregnancy, first time at antenatal care clinic
visit and the second time at the third trimester of pregnancy.
There was inconsistent evidence regarding benefit of
the second syphilis screening in case of negative result
(non- reactive VDRL) in the first screening4-
IntroductionSyphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused byTreponema pallidum. The bacteria could be transmitted frompregnant woman to her fetus. In untreated cases, it is a riskfor miscarriage, preterm labor, fetal death in utero andcongenital syphilis1. Most of syphilis in pregnancy does notshow any signs or symptoms2. Serological test is a mainstaytechnique to detect syphilis during pregnancy. VDRL(Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) or RPR (Rapid PlasmaReagin) are used but they are non-specific test. FTA-ABS(Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption), TPHA(Treponemal pallidum Hemagglutination Antibody) or TP-PA(Treponema pallidum Particle Agglutination) are used toconfirm in case of positive screening test3. In our routineantepartum screening, blood for VRDL is drawn in twooccasions during pregnancy, first time at antenatal care clinicvisit and the second time at the third trimester of pregnancy.There was inconsistent evidence regarding benefit ofthe second syphilis screening in case of negative result(non- reactive VDRL) in the first screening4-
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by
Treponema pallidum. The bacteria could be transmitted from
pregnant Woman to Her fetus. Cases in untreated, it is a risk
for miscarriage, preterm Labor, Death in utero fetal and
congenital Syphilis1. Most of syphilis in Pregnancy does not
Show Signs or any Symptoms2. Serological Test is a Mainstay
Technique to detect syphilis during Pregnancy. VDRL
(Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) or RPR (Rapid Plasma
Reagin) are used but they are non-specific Test. FTA-ABS
(Fluorescent treponemal Antibody Absorption), TPHA
(treponemal pallidum hemagglutination Antibody) or TP-PA
(Treponema pallidum Particle Agglutination) are used to
Confirm in Case of positive Screening test3. In our routine
antepartum Screening, Blood for VRDL is drawn in Two
Occasions during Pregnancy, First time at antenatal Care Clinic
Visit and the Second time at the third trimester of Pregnancy.
There was inconsistent Evidence regarding Benefit of
the Second syphilis Screening in Case of negative. Result
(non-reactive VDRL) in the First Screening4-.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..