Section 2 of the paper deals with the classicalproblems of scheduling, การแปล - Section 2 of the paper deals with the classicalproblems of scheduling, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Section 2 of the paper deals with t

Section 2 of the paper deals with the classical
problems of scheduling, routing, and crew assignment
in the airline industry. This is a context that
is perfectly suited to the use of large-scale, discrete
optimization approaches and, indeed, has motivated
several methodological and computational developments
in this vibrant area of OR over the years. Section
3 covers airline revenue management, including
overbooking, flight leg yield management and
network revenue maximization. Through a combination
of stochastic and optimization models, OR work
in this area has generated significant additional revenues
for the airlines ever since the late 1980s. Moreover,
revenue management continues to be a field in
which airlines are vying intensively for competitive
advantage. Section 4 surveys selected applications of
OR to the study, planning, and design of the two
major pieces of aviation infrastructure, the airports
system and the air traffic management (ATM) system.
Historically the emphasis here has been on stochastic
models, as the questions addressed have focused
on capacity, delays, and safety under conditions in
which the probabilistic characteristics of the input
parameters play a dominant role. However, optimization
models, both deterministic and stochastic, have
found use in the intensive recent research on air traf-
fic flow management, a topic also reviewed briefly
in §4. Finally, §5 summarizes the main conclusions
regarding the fundamental challenges faced by future
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Section 2 of the paper deals with the classicalproblems of scheduling, routing, and crew assignmentin the airline industry. This is a context thatis perfectly suited to the use of large-scale, discreteoptimization approaches and, indeed, has motivatedseveral methodological and computational developmentsin this vibrant area of OR over the years. Section3 covers airline revenue management, includingoverbooking, flight leg yield management andnetwork revenue maximization. Through a combinationof stochastic and optimization models, OR workin this area has generated significant additional revenuesfor the airlines ever since the late 1980s. Moreover,revenue management continues to be a field inwhich airlines are vying intensively for competitiveadvantage. Section 4 surveys selected applications ofOR to the study, planning, and design of the twomajor pieces of aviation infrastructure, the airportssystem and the air traffic management (ATM) system.Historically the emphasis here has been on stochasticmodels, as the questions addressed have focusedon capacity, delays, and safety under conditions inwhich the probabilistic characteristics of the inputparameters play a dominant role. However, optimizationmodels, both deterministic and stochastic, havefound use in the intensive recent research on air traf-fic flow management, a topic also reviewed brieflyin §4. Finally, §5 summarizes the main conclusionsregarding the fundamental challenges faced by futureresearch.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Section 2 of the Paper deals with the Classical
problems of scheduling, routing, and crew assignment
in the Airline Industry. This is a context that
is perfectly suited to the use of Large-scale, discrete
Optimization approaches and, indeed, has motivated
several methodological and Computational Developments
in this vibrant Area of OR over the years. Section
3 Covers revenue Airline Management, including
overbooking, Leg yield Flight Management and
Network revenue maximization. Through a combination
of stochastic models and Optimization, OR Work
in this Area has significant Generated Additional Revenues
for the airlines Ever since the Late 1980s. Moreover,
revenue Management Continues to be a field in
which airlines are vying for intensively competitive
Advantage. Section 4 Surveys Selected Applications of
OR to the Study, planning, and Design of the Two
Major pieces of aviation Infrastructure, the Airports
System and the Air Traffic Management (ATM) System.
Historically the emphasis here has been on stochastic
models, As the questions. addressed have focused
on capacity, delays, and safety under conditions in
which the probabilistic characteristics of the input
Parameters Play a dominant role. However, Optimization
models, both deterministic and stochastic, have
Found intensive use in the recent Research on Air Traf-
FIC Flow Management, a Topic also reviewed briefly
in §4. Finally, §5 summarizes the main Conclusions
regarding the fundamental challenges faced by Future
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Section 2 of the paper deals with the classical
problems, of scheduling routing and crew, assignment
in the airline, industry. This is a context that
is perfectly suited to the use, of large-scale discrete
optimization approaches and indeed has,,, Motivated
several methodological and computational developments
in this vibrant area of OR over the years. Section
3 covers. Airline, revenue managementIncluding
overbooking flight leg, yield management and
network revenue maximization. Through a combination
of stochastic. And, optimization models OR work
in this area has generated significant additional revenues
for the airlines ever since. The late 1980s. Moreover
revenue, management continues to be a field in
which airlines are vying intensively for competitive
advantage.Section 4 surveys selected applications of
OR to, the study planning and design, of the two
major pieces of, aviation infrastructure. The airports
system and the air traffic management (ATM) system.
Historically the emphasis here has been on stochastic
models,, As the questions addressed have focused
on, capacity delays and safety, under conditions in
.Which the probabilistic characteristics of the input
parameters play a dominant role. However optimization
models both,,, Deterministic, and stochastic have
found use in the intensive recent research on air TRAF -
FIC flow management a topic,, Also reviewed briefly
2, in 4. Finally: 5 summarizes the main conclusions
regarding the fundamental challenges faced by future
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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