Partly cloudy with thunderstorms with some 10 per cent of Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi makboriwen areas with the lowest temperature of 23-25 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature of 32-34° c. Southwest wind speed 10-30 km/hr.
Partly cloudy with isolated thundershowers, 10 percent of the area, mostly in Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi 23-25 degrees Celsius maximum temperature, minimum temperature 32-34 ° C. Southwesterly winds 10-30 km. / Hr.
Partly cloudy with a thunderstorm somewhere, percentage of 10 area. Most of the Kanchanaburi province and Ratchaburi. Minimum temperature 23-25 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature 32-34 C west wind speed 10-30 km / hr.