9. Serendipity: use coincidentally4. na formats, decided to solve the problem of the whole 9 to format.The computer can be job characteristics, naek and out 6 ways:1. a Deductive Reasoning: reason to infer2. Inductive Reasoning: the reason the induction na.3. the Analogical Reasoning: the reasons on the basis of the comparable.4. Formal Reasoning: an in-depth reason to format.5. Procedural/Numeric Reasoning: an in-depth reason, methodology.6. analytical Reasoning why the Metalevel: mail da.6. How are key concepts that are used in your summary.5. a summary of the method and reason for NA to apply problem-solving that is used.8 widespread method1. Rule-Base: summarization based on rules.2. Tree: summarization using tree diagram3. Frame: summarization using frames.4. Model: summarization by reason, by the pool.5. Case: a summary of the reasons case studies.6. Probabilities and Related Approach: summarization based on reason.With probability, and so on.7. Certainty Factors: summarization by reason of techniques.Trust8. Fuzzy Logic: a summary by the ambiguous logic reason.6. the summarization and reason properly. Understand issues.About how to explain. If a good summarization will result as follows:1. the system had a wise.2. make Visual Bug in the system.3. Describe the situation from an accident to the user4. create a confidence to the user5. to counter the assumption of Taman towards the user and.developer6. analysis of the sensitivity of the data used for prediction.7. the knowledge that is stored in the Knowledge Base: mainly as a body of knowledge about the disruption.
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