Whey, which is the people of Bruges family rich in bran otthaem city, but it's good to far lands, because of the need to train yourself to eliminate evil and trying to communicate that it's leather life in childhood. And he had known intimacy with Rachael (heroine) and has shown why the bat has to fear, including the Bruce show at father sathuk Bruno with mom killed.And then one day he met the Raja Palace la gulls who are training him to eliminate fear, but when he finished, they will want to destroy the training places, because the organization wants to destroy the entire city of New York, which otthaem the city has agreed to follow and not chamai agreed with this idea.And when he returned to his own town, it tries to find a way to salvage the city back from the evil by his sisters trying to find symbols, which are symbols that he ever fear is simply "the bat!", which he did receive assistance from. Butler of Weymouth, faithful employee of the company and of his own. Make creating his Batman symbol is then complete.But he could not return as quickly as hoped when his father to get rid of it, not the people, that the story that will destroy the city. Become spores, ACE. His teachers go Planning Department in order to make this site mueang. By releasing a substance that makes people afraid of seeing what occurred through spraying water from the city's water supply system. Our heroes must stop operating role this time.
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