Name: Khun thip pin jewelryNickname: new.Status: boyfriend, age: 20 Born April 22, 1937, when the 2537 Height: 179 cmWeight: 65 kg Studying at the Faculty of communication arts, radio, tv, Rangsit University secondary exit from high school measure the Crown King.Hobbies: watching movies, listening to music, playing computer.Sports: soccer, tabintanPersonal habits: a hilarious kuanFavorite color: RedCollectibles: sunglasses, Jin wahu, ringAmbition: If you have a job or what do they intend to make the best.Personal Manager: MAM trainerIg, Manager: iammam365The new ig: nickkunatipFb: kunatip pinpradab, Nick.PortfolioM. 6/5 ghost dog mouth shoe Death to raise dead hian M. 6/5 oral challenge mother Dog Club Age perfect backpack Thugs shorts M. 6/5 oral dog shoe co rotphi All the world, Mr.An evil spirit troll students pile
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