Process of making rain.Step 1: vandalism (Triggering) using hot air clouds rain down wind of the salt dough additives area beginning at high levels of target area 7,000-8,000 feet. Salt dough additives by each particle acts as a kaenklan. To absorb moisture in the air. Birth control naenklai water and a Tablet as a single cloud.Step 2 feed the FAT (Fattening), raising clouds, fat is. Take a plane to sprinkle calcium chloride compounds into clouds at 8000 feet. The heat generated by the chemical reactions of calcium chloride. When dissolved in water or moisture or water absorbent granules within the cloud will accelerate or reinforced body of air within the cloud mass, making clouds grow and peak. Step 3 is to attack, attack (Attaking) clouds with warm cloud Sandwich using two aircraft. But the substance sodium chloride salts, override the amount of clouds, or clouds at 9000-10000 shoulder feet upwind side of the clouds but one substance urea levels close to the base of the South wind, clouds and rain down two 45 degree angle indentations. Step 4 optional accessories to the attack (Enhancing) attack using planes, hot clouds but dry ice pellets at lower than 1,000 feet to the base of the cloud man Ka lowered the temperature of the air is below the cloud base, and makes the air with relative humidity higher, meaning it reduces the evaporation of water from the rain into tablets. Step 5 to attack cloud silver iodide cool evening clouds with a chemical attack, silver iodide, using air cooling 1 shot or chemical clouds silver iodide into the clouds to the Summit level of the dash man 21500 feet. Step 6-Super sandwiches Use at least 3 attack aircraft in the cold clouds by firing silver iodide or substance from the plane into a cloud amount cloud of cold at the same time it attacks warm clouds below by using the sandwich plane attacks cold clouds that rain down chemical salts 2 shoulder the clouds are sometimes used to supplement operating step 4 by 1 and the base of the clouds rain down chemical urea. At the same time, operating machinery, or similar, both 3 times.
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