Today, different people have different opinions on the subject of China that result around the world today and become a super power in Southeast Asia.And some people might think of Japan as a result of influence around the world and is a future superpower Nations. but in my opinion,I have faith in the hard of China that is to become a superpower nation, and as a result the world because China has many important aspects, such as the economy, transportation and culture.Therefore, all of the accused in this matter of importance in many areas will be described in detail in subsequent pharakraf
. In the fields of the economy, today's China play an important role, especially in terms of., economic,China is capable of great and as a result the world and influence in ASEAN members, because China has a lot of Chinese people, population, mainly with diligence and discipline.As a result, multiple devices can be manufactured in China, for example, of imitators, agricultural crops and computer equipment. Moreover, Chinese products are available to help people with less money, you can buy.It was also noted that the Chinese products spread all over the world, thus, do not be surprised that China is the greatest superpowers and affect the world today
. In the fields of transport,China has plenty of connections and many road crossing between countries. for example, there is a link between Cambodia reached Kunming, China the North.-China is likely to create alternative social-directly to other countries.The highlight, of the Thai nation is at the center of ASEAN. Therefore, China's goal is to use the Thai nation to pass to other countries thus, after opening the ASEAN community.China and the ASEAN members to groups to exchange business
. In the fields of culture, the Chinese culture today is important to other countries worldwide, because China has a population.It resulted in some Chinese people who live in other countries. they spread culture to the others that exist in various countries. for example, in the past, the country has never had Thai before Chinese new year, after the Chinese people move, Thai roots.They have spread Chinese culture in the country, Thai, Thai country, it currently offers a wide variety of culture, whether it is Chinese or not, Chinese dragons, and thus, all of the other mentioned,It resulted in China will become a superpower in the region, so
. In conclusion, China will become a superpower, and as a result the country is immense. China has the largest economy. Transport and cultural influence, thusIt's not like Sayid Sayid that China is going to become no. 1 and might have to be replaced in Japan and America in the future!
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