You can go back to the application สเม้นท์ long time?
you go to buy your wrist
what? and the feeling of your legs are what we are after my massage, you
?The tendons of your legs when I massage your tendons tight. It's so much to do, you have a sore, but when I went to my massage in long tendons you will loosen the you would reduce pain, but it will be less to do now because it must be lost in consecutive massage
Yes, you understand correctly, you have to because if I continued to massage massage, you will be very heavy once you have pain you will endure no more muscles, and you will be able to stand it will be sore and inflamed
Yes, you need to reduce the distance in long distances down time where you want to go to the distant Car seat you need to exercise your swimming went out, and as usual, it's just like regular old
Yes, very much a walk away it will make your muscles tight and painful, massage every day, it is not good it will make your muscles sore muscles, and we will be our inflammation massage leave it to be 4 or 5 days away
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