The analysis in this step is divided into 4 steps.3.1 industry structure analysis.3.1.1 monitor macro-oriented business environment, determine what external events that affect the Organization of Government policy, for example? The economic conditions in the country and abroad, war, epidemic season. Natural disasters.3.1.2 the competitors have? State?3.1.3 water (the seller organization)? State?3.1.4. a State?3.1.5 downstream (customers)? State?3.1.6 transportation organization? both, but upstream process (if there is a Sub contractor) to deliver the necessary to analyze this matter because the overall country Thailand transportation costs are about 30%, which is very high compared to the other countries. What you need to consider a revision.3.2 analysis of the competition in the State.Use the principle of force Five of Michael Porter Model analysis, which has a major five principle.
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