Tales of the guardian spirit with loggerMan cutting firewood, firewood cut into one ... in the wild, the thing is he khwanphlat fell into the pool, "Oh ... Oh ... Oh ... What can I do? Swimming is not "men lament firewood cutting on because he does not have a tool for another. Guardian spirit near starvation in poor, did not appear on the body was already reaching into the pool water. Grab your axe, one sent to people cutting firewood, "... people ... here it is not a Golden Axe my axe." Man cutting firewood does not accept raising the axe, so guardian spirit is another one. "It's not my ... my axe, axes, steel, plain people, not money," axe "being honest". Guardian spirit "person owner rare Help me out with money, possessions, Golden Axe, axes, is the reward. "said teparak finished, it disappears. People cut firewood. Leading the Golden Axe and silver axe walked back home. Find anyone brag and tell that.?. "Angel you glad! Possessions sit crying now pool only People come to haystack, then axe, Golden Axe, axes for money. " One neighbor, I would like to have, so that's why I went into the Woods, then find the thief of their firewood, axe throw down in the water to rush to stampede to rush to "... ... ... Now thou, a tricky anyway. "comes the axe, as always, the guardian spirit raising" out of this book, the owner of Golden Axe? "," Yes, Yes, my own "greedy man is willing to say," not worthy "rogue and thepharak fleeting it with Golden Axe and the neighbor man, it doesn't get the axe fell into the pool at night too.
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