Images 10 finger joints the copy stored on a curved surface: glass, dust, magnetic powder, method (a) Tex-Lift (b) adhesive and silicone, clear (c)Discuss the results of the research, from the average 6 per cent of the total number of points, the special characteristics of the fingerprint. Check the Gallery on the surface is not flat and curved surfaces. By means of A magnetic dust powder. How to glue and method B Tex-Lift C Silicon Transparent diffusion is that not clear silicone to keep the finger joints, for example, the Phantom, the average number of points per cent. The special characteristics of the fingerprint in a different way because more concealed property of clear silicone that has a liquid semiconductor, which flows along the surface roughness is not smooth. So it can keep a sheet of transparent tape, without using the stick, copy the same Gallery how to use transparent tape with adhesive Tex-Lift which require help in tracing out the surface of the object from the works of Morris Mill reported that silicone can use fingerprint passive joints on the storage surface curve.Surface in horizontal and in vertical surfaces. (Morris 1995) period, which is used to make transparent silicone to dry depends on the thickness of the transparent silicone. In this research, apply transparencies to penetrate a slot to fit the finger notch and place a system alias on the finger joints. You want to keep before finishing with clear silicone to get the thickness of the silicone pad with passive finger stick. In each example. Not too thick, so in comparison or verification can use a Spreader tip of Lynn Peavey company limited to end of infusion tube mixer automatically makes the smooth, flat sheet of silicone beautiful. Width: approx 1 inch (Frost 2005:35) using Tex-Lift glue to keep Roy, of phantom fingerprint fingerprint passive joints on the floor. The surface is not smooth, but has some issues as well on a curved surface as glass doorknob and bottlenecks due to the thin sheet of adhesive and Peel have sticky which are dark and may easily. In addition to storing the phantom on the finger joints. Curved surface of a transparent tape could not be used to assist in tracing sheets, adhesive coating on finger joints alias. Because they crystal clear tape Can't bend along the surface of an object copy storage footprint, unlike the phantom fingerprint on the surface is not smooth, which is basically? On the surface, which can be used to clear the tape belonged to help in tracing the phantom fingerprint storage footprint. Therefore, in order to keep the footprint of phantom fingerprint on a curved surface to make the adhesive, coating, finishing on the finger joints over thick on the floor, alias. The surface is not smooth, which require time to make the glue dry for a long time, and some of the excess adhesive is placed down. It is difficult to peel, it's kept the finger joints were rarely completed a student based on the expertise of those who collect, for example, with the 9 and 10 from finger joints the copy stored on a curved surface. You will see that the finger joints, peeling away in each line clearly. Although the image 9 (a) and 10 (a), there is a gap caused by the use of transparent tape, which causes the streaks is missing is not continuous but is only a small part may be due to the finger joints to stamp down on the curve of the object in this research is intended to see the streaks clear. Jane and curved surfaces, such as glass and metal in General is a flat surface with no pores, making finger joints. The relatively clear. There is only a small part that is missing is a range, but the incident could be found. Roy phantom fingerprint only a small part, which if collected fingerprint alias bad joints might make the finger joints. The alias is not sufficient for verification. Therefore, as an alternative to using this new technique to collect. Finger joints, alias.ข้อเสนอแนะ 1. สารเคมีที่ใช้ในการวิจัยครั้งนี้ต้องสั่งซื้อมาจากต่างประเทศ จึงควรหาสารเคมีที่มีลักษณะ คล้ายกาวหรือซิลิโคนใส ที่มีผลิตขายภายในประเทศมาทดลองเปรียบเทียบ เพื่อเป็นการลดค่าใช้จ่าย 2. ในการเก็บรอยลายนิ้วมือแฝงด้วยเทคนิคใหม่นี้ต้องมีการอบรมฝึกฝน เพื่อให้เกิดความ ความชำนาญในการเก็บรอยลายนิ้วมือแฝง และควรมีความตั้งใจในการเก็บรอยลายนิ้วมือแฝง เนื่องจาก การเก็บรอยลายนิ้วมือแฝงด้วยเทคนิคให้มีนี้ต้องใช้ความละเอียดและประณีตควบคู่กับความรู้ทางดด้าน วิทยาศาสตร์3. สามารถใช้เป็นแนวทางในการวิจัยในพื้นผิวประเภทอื่นๆ ที่เก็บรอยลายนิ้วมือแฝงได้ยาก เช่น ผิวหนังมนุษย์ รอยลายนิ้วมือเปื้อนเลือด 4. สามารถใช้เป็นแนวทางในการเลือกวิธีการเก็บรอยลายนิ้วมือแฝงให้เหมะสมกับวัตถุ พยานแต่ละประเภท เพื่อให้ได้รอยลายนิ้วมือแฝงที่มีคุณภาพดี
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