Charter A draft treaty on cooperation between Member States in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. To be instrumental in laying the legal framework and organizational structure of the association. In order to improve the efficiency of expertise in the implementation of the objectives and goals. In particular, the integration is driven by the year 2558, as ASEAN, ASEAN leaders agreed schedule. The first draft of the Charter, to be completed by November 2550 , ASEAN was established by an instrument called. ASEAN Declaration Also known as Bangkok Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by considering the content of the instrument and the political situation in the country during 1967, considering that the region has to rely on a regional cooperation, friendship and sheer determination rights in international law. Throughout the past Regional leaders have relied on a platform of ASEAN cooperation on the basis of consent and voluntary members only. The operation is based on the lives of the consultation or consensus. By omitting to claim rights, and political interference between members (non intervention), which practice is called "The ASEAN Way" has helped cooperation carried out without violent conflict, although each country has a different legal system. and political policies are different, so when ASEAN is not intended to be used as a basis for legal action. They should not be made since the beginning of the Charter Treaty or importance to ASEAN , ASEAN will not even have a treaty or charter from the beginning. But over time, ASEAN has developed a partnership by virtue of the law, such as the ASEAN has made a Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia 1976 or TAC). It is the existing law already stressed state in the region, such as the principle of respecting the sovereignty of the state. The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a state. Which appeared in the United Nations and ASEAN was already so dependent primarily on the principle that treaties such as the Sahel region. And as a condition to negotiate with non-member states are parties to sign before they get to attend the ASEAN itself. An important consideration is that the treaty did not directly related to or made to ASEAN. And ASEAN is not capable of making treaties with others. Only state in Southeast Asia have become parties to the treaty for the mutual benefit of the region and is based on the implementation of ASEAN cooperation. And obligations or duties under the Treaty shall affect the implementation of cooperation under the ASEAN Framework by default. There is also a forum where ASEAN Treaty on other causes, such as making the region free of nuclear weapons. Or the latest in anti-terrorism. The agreement on economic cooperation in areas such as the promotion of social welfare, education, prevention and combating transnational crime, environment, disaster management, etc., which all live ASEAN is an important mechanism of so even in the form will not be considered. ASEAN was established on the base of international law. But on the content of these laws and agreements, it will not influence the implementation of the ASEAN during the past history and process of the month December 2540 at a conference in Kuala Lumpur. ASEAN leaders have jointly announced. "ASEAN Vision 2020" (ASEAN Vision 2020) with the goal that by the year 2020 (2563), ASEAN to form partnerships to develop more closely than ever. Later in the meeting, ASEAN (ASEAN Summit) No. 9 in October 2546 at Bali for the ASEAN leaders signed the Declaration of ASEAN (Declaration of ASEAN Concord II or the Bali Concord II) for the ASEAN (ASEAN. Community) by the year 2563 (2020) and is comprised of three pillars (pillars) and the ASEAN Security Community (ASEAN Security Community-ASC) ASEAN (ASEAN Economic Community-AEC) and the European Society. - ASEAN (ASEAN Socio-Cultural. Community-ASCC) later, in November 2547, the 10th ASEAN Summit in Vientiane. And ASEAN leaders have announced plans Laos (Vientiane Action Programme), which has supported the ASEAN Charter to support the establishment of the ASEAN Community by the year 2563, and in December 2548 was the 11 th ASEAN Summit. Bali by the leaders of the Joint Declaration. Principles in the preparation of the Charter and assigns. "The Expert" (Eminent Persons Group), which consists of the experts from each Member State. Become a preliminary suggestions and general appearance of the Charter. This was qualified faculty meetings and discussions with various sectors. I can summarize the initial feedback in the form of a charter. "Report of the Expert Committee on the Charter" in December 2549 recently in January 2550 in the 12th ASEAN Summit held in Cebu leaders jointly announced. Adopt the report of the experts on the Charter and assigns. "Working level" or the High Level Task Force, which consists of high-level officials with expertise from each member is responsible for drafting the Charter and important documents related however the principle that leaders have joined. As announced in the city of Cebu, including Bali and consider the recommendations of the report of the committee of experts to complete. To be taken into account in drafting the Charter of the 13th ASEAN Summit in Singapore in November 2550, then it would have to be checked. Public Hearing Prior to signing the essence of the Charter by this charter. ASEAN as a tax purposes Of the Charter
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