Land transport new Singapore have much space for 900 square kilometers. But the road was considered good, about 1300 kilometers. Besides, there are two Road railway line has a length of about 45 kilometers. It has been established railroad Singapore - Gran Ji. Last year. ")2446 "in government. สเตทส์ set little apartment (Stste Selllement) by bus from the station to the tank disease, woodland and car ferry service The ferry to connect to the railroad from the mainland. Later in the year.)2456 "train of the Malayan Federation. Get this acquisition and improvement. Start from the station to Bukit slap it also station Tanjung Pagani. Later in the year.)2462) has started to build a cross channel johor To make a train connection railway main line across the street across the channel Johor Malaysia cut middle country down to the south to the terminus is near Keppel harbourThe other line, separate from the first call to the southwest of the area. This train is the title of the Malaysian government. A trip to a railway station. To the cabin, a travel through the country To visit a passport.Port of Singapore
Water transport water transport as a domestic. Water water water coastal and international domestic use industry and ไม่ค่อยสะดวก because Singapore is a small island, and along the coast to short., and no connection as well as shallow, have limited time. In use is in the time flood tide, coastal water, as part of the international water transport But the characteristics of self is the small boat.With numerous short sea route, serving not regular. The boat along the coastal areas, there are many companies and service companies regularly to the port of Indonesia, East Malaysia and the West. And Thai.The government has established the office of Singapore registered ships up last year ".Professor 2509) and has branded the law allow registration of ships. The owners live abroad. Since 19972511) aims to convince foreign ships To a registered ship nationality Siberia and Panama. Attention nationality is Singapore ship. National port was established in years ".2507 also have enhanced cook Singapore harbor Be able to get the container ships with the new changes, and can facilitate to oil tanker size two hundred tons or more. The port was originally used to Keppel harbourAnd the island Sentosa Island branch, is the wind shelter. Later, the port authority. It extends beyond an area on the shore, and the sea include 538 square kilometers port of Singapore, the deepwater port at Keppel harbourPort of Singapore start from the west coast of the island on the west, continuously until Liam ฝั่งตะวันออก Island Tsun Jai Mata, IK, beacons Free trade area of Singapore announced the FTA. Last year. ")Professor 2512) according to the pier from เตล๊ out Ayers basin to Jardine. EPPs with Jurong in this area of supply facilities. The national shipping lines was established in the years.2511 "this company is a member of the club of the Far East, sailing the 2512
air transportation international air transport." Start the airline business last year. The first line2473 "as the company's Dutch and Indian in the Eastleigh.2478 airline Qantas flight also open between Singapore and Australia has continued until the present international airport, formerly in ปายา Lebanon. Stay away from downtown to about 12 kilometres long, running about 4000 meters can get commercial aircraft has of all sizes and all. At present Singapore International Airport on the national shipping is a very modern international airport, ชางงี Has the capability to receive large passenger aircraft, to 45 machines have the second runway on the area. The filling sea National Airlines Singapore Airlines, Malaysia, together with original is named Malaysia-Singapore Airlines (Malasia - Singapore Airlines).It split off from the airlines.)Professor 2515 "airline of Singapore. Singapore Airlines used the name" (Singapore Airlines SIA).
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