First, in terms of cost, college is more expensive than high school be การแปล - First, in terms of cost, college is more expensive than high school be แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

First, in terms of cost, college is

First, in terms of cost, college is more expensive than high school because of tuition, living expenses, and books. Anyone who wishes to attend college must pay fees, whereas it is free to attend high school. College tuition can start at roughly $1,500 per term and can wind up costing as much as $2,000. The government funds high schools, so high school students do not have to pay for their education. In addition to tuition, college students must also worry about the residence or rental costs for living close to the college’s campus. In Toronto, rental costs for a basement apartment can range from $400 to $600 per month (not including utilities), and residence fees at most colleges work out to roughly $2,000 per term. In contrast, high school students have no living expenses because the majority of high school students live at home with their parents for free. College is also more expensive than high school when it comes to the cost of learning materials, such as textbooks. In college, students must buy textbooks for each course they take. These books are not cheap, and they often wind up costing students several hundreds of dollars once students have purchased the books for all their classes. High school students never have to worry about buying their textbooks because high schools always keep a set of books, which students use and then return at the end of the year. Not only do college students have to pay more money than high school students for their education, the college students also have much more work to do once their bills have been paid
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Eerstens, in terme van koste, kollege is duurder as die hoërskool gevolg van onderrig, lewenskoste, en boeke. Enigeen wat wil kollege by te woon, moet betaal, terwyl dit is gratis hoë skool by te woon. Kollege onderrig kan begin by sowat $ 1,500 per kwartaal en kan aanleiding kos so veel as $ 2,000. Die regering fondse hoërskole, so hoërskool studente hoef nie te betaal vir hul opvoeding. In bykomend tot die onderrig, moet die kollege studente het ook bekommerd oor die koshuis of huur koste vir die lewe naby aan die kollege se kampus. In Toronto, kan huur koste vir 'n kelder woonstel wissel van $ 400 tot $ 600 per maand (nie insluitend nuts), en koshuisgelde by die meeste kolleges uit te werk aan ongeveer $ 2,000 per kwartaal. In teenstelling, die hoërskool studente het geen lewenskoste omdat die meerderheid van die hoërskool studente lewe by die huis met hul ouers gratis. Kollege is ook duurder as die hoërskool wanneer dit kom by die koste van die leermateriaal, soos handboeke. In die kollege, moet studente handboeke vir elke kursus wat hulle neem koop. Hierdie boeke is nie goedkoop nie, en hulle het dikwels aanleiding kos studente 'n paar honderd dollar Sodra studente die boeke vir al hul klasse gekoop. Hoërskool studente nooit hoef te bekommer oor die koop van hul handboeke omdat hoërskole hou altyd 'n stel boeke wat studente gebruik en dan terug aan die einde van die jaar. Nie net het die kollege studente het meer geld te betaal as 'n hoë skool studente vir hul opvoeding, die kollege studente het ook baie meer werk te doen wanneer hulle hul rekeninge betaal is.
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