A handful of countries to raise the issue of trafficking, Thailand is a national agenda that must be resolved urgently and seriously by the Act from 2547 (2004) against trafficking 2551 (2008) (The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act 2008) and strategic policy and measures in prevention and suppression of human trafficking (2554 (2011)-2559 (2016)), priority 5 the prevention. Litigation protection help The development mechanism and policy driven The development and management of the data.1 operation mechanism in the country, Thailand Operational mechanisms to prevent and suppress human trafficking consists of. The Board of Directors of the National Board include 2 (1) of the track to forbid human trafficking (pakhom.), in which the Prime Minister is the Chairman of the Coordination Committee and (2), and directed the operations against trafficking (cover), which is chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Sub-Committee ต่.างๆ to push national policy. In addition, the Act has been given to set up a Fund for the prevention and suppression of human trafficking, with the use of funds in two parts: to help victims from the human trafficking crimes and to continue the project for prevention and suppression of human trafficking, in which both government agencies and NGOs can propose projects to fund budget request by the Secretary General of the national mechanism, including the administration of the Fund is in the responsibility of the Ministry of social development and human security (phom..) At the level of the province. With the Board of Directors of the prevention and suppression of human trafficking, which consists of the Director from the provincial-level Government related provincial Governor, as the President and several agency-level agencies have established sub-divisions that have specific tasks. Specifically, the agency involved in the Suppression of such a force crackdown on illegal trafficking. Under the Office of the national police anti-trafficking centers, overseas. Under the Office of the Attorney General, etc. All this. The Government is focusing on the participation of civil society at the national level by both mechanisms have shaped you wu from the civil society as a Director in the Board of Directors of provincial level, national level, and with NGOs to participate as a Committee. And significant participation in the screening process, the victim. 2. Policy related to the prevention and suppression of human trafficking. Because Thailand is the country of origin. Transit and destination of trafficking policies to fix the prevention and suppression of human trafficking, of Thailand, with victims from trafficking is major (Victim-Centered), and is related to many aspects of operations related to the prevention of exploitation or forced labor benefits. Suppression and prosecution of trafficking organizations, as well as help protect the victim from human trafficking, which policies are the current focus in Thailand are as follows: Operation about the proper migration of Thailand 2556 (2013) September, the Prime Minister has chaired a meeting to discuss these issues. With an emphasis on respect for human rights and wants all foreign workers to register and prove citizenship, already to be able to work in Thailand, and received rights to the various social protection/by the Government are considering the matter to adjust the right-side medical foreign labour from existing, comprehensive and effective. This is to accommodate the preparation into the ASEAN community. การแก้ไขปัญหาการค้ามนุษย์ในอุตสาหกรรมประมง ซึ่งมีการดำเนินงานที่สำคัญ ได้แก่ (๑) การจดทะเบียนแรงงานต่างด้าวที่หลบหนีเข้าเมืองซึ่งลักลอบทำงานบนเรือประมงปีละ ๒ เดือน (๒) จัดตั้งศูนย์ประสานแรงงานประมงใน ๗ จังหวัดนำร่อง (๓) การประกาศใช้แนวปฏิบัติการใช้แรงงานที่ดีสำหรับสถานประกอบการแปรรูปสัตว์น้ำเบื้องต้นในอุตสาหกรรมแปรรูปกุ้งและอาหารทะเลในประเทศไทย (Good Labour Practices Guidelines for Primary Processing Workplaces in the Shrimp and Seafood Industry of Thailand - GLP/PPW) เมื่อเดือนกันยายน ๒๕๕๖ ซึ่งเน้นการขจัดการใช้แรงงานบังคับ การใช้แรงงานเด็ก เสรีภาพในการสมาคม การเจรจาต่อรองร่วม และความร่วมมือในสถานประกอบกิจการ การไม่เลือกปฏิบัติ ค่าจ้าง ชั่วโมงการทำงาน ค่าชดเชย ความปลอดภัย อาชีวอนามัยและสภาพแวดล้อมในการทำงานและสวัสดิการ และ (๔) การเพิ่มความเข้มข้นในการตรวจแรงงานประมง To help protect the victim from human trafficking by focusing on operations to aid victims from trafficking by (1) a permit is in pathot. Temporarily revive your body and soul, as well as vocational training and skills, (2) to allow the victim to go to work outside the home when it is ready (3) litigation to claim the loss to the victim from the Government and from the offenders of human trafficking. 3. To continue the international cooperation against human trafficking Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the task of assisting the people of Thailand for victims abroad. Through the operations of the Embassy and consulates throughout the world. There is a section in the policy process by the Board of Directors of the national level and to continue cooperation on issues of prevention and suppression of trafficking between the countries. Bilateral and multilateral level, at which the international-level operations, the most important are as follows: 3.1 the bilateral level. 3.1.1 a memorandum of understanding on the Elimination of trafficking of children and women and to assist victims of human trafficking (MOU on Bilateral Cooperation for Eliminating Trafficking in Children and Women and Assisting Victims of Trafficking), which Thailand has an agreement with Cambodia (2546 (2003) year), Laos (the year 2548 (2005)), Viet Nam (the year 2551 (2008)) and Myanmar (the year 2552 (2009)) are there initiatives to adjust the content of the MoU so as to be able to support the current situation of trafficking that has changed, and is currently working to establish a framework for cooperation with the other countries in which there is a possibility that it will be a source of victims in countries of Thailand and/or destination of Thailand who is corrupt.
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