The Boris said, when we die to receive GI. Our spirit is not dead. therefore, it is necessary to have a ceremony to honor ancestors, spirits, because they believe that the souls of their ancestors, are protected. Protect their legacy to the tribe. Do not induce Natural disasters or disease that is the mystery. In the ceremony, there will be a dance known as the core bot ROE (Corroboree) is a male dancer who specializes in dance imitating the movements of the animals. They repel the body with colors while singing and dancing to the rhythm of wood, and boomerang. Some tribes would use a long wooden gate called dit foe ngadu klom (Didgeridoo), bring a blow which caused strange sounds: hueng said that this view is dit gate foe sounds like with his spirit. Legend of the sacred life and the role has been assigned the responsibility of each person through rituals at the complex. Most of the ceremonies will be kept confidential. But the two men only, and this ceremony will help make the world and everything continues.
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