Saturn (English: Saturn) is a planet is far from the sun as the 6 at a distance, 1433 kilometres a gas planet The second is the largest in the solar system, the Jupiter, Saturn has rings large. That is made up of rocks with ice mixed. Symbols for Saturn is ♄
.Saturn has a shape bulging out along the equator, called spherical keys (oblate spheroid) diameter along the shorter pole along the equator almost 10% resulting from rotation quickly. The other planetsBut not as much as the planet Saturn. Saturn is one planet in the solar system. With average density less than water (0.70 g / CC). However, the upper atmosphere of Saturn is less dense. While the spindle density than water. Saturn's rings consist of rubble and ice smallThe rings of Saturn's rings and consists of sub bands. In fact, Saturn's rings นั้นบาง. The average thickness of only 500 kilometers. But a tiny object in a ring is capable of good reflection and wider, 80000 kilometers, it can be observed from the earth
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