Signs of malaria can be repeated after the interval, there are no signs this is reversing several can be classified according to their cause, demanding a return to. A repeat infection or disease. The back is demanding back display symptoms again after the interval do not show symptoms, which is caused by a parasite that still remains in the blood as a result of inadequate treatment or are not effective. The disease was back at the back show symptoms after the parasite is get rid of all the blood, but it is still as soi phano liver cell-phantom. The disease usually occurs between the back 8-24 weeks, and are often found in P. vivax infections, and P. ovale P. vivax malaria patients in type khetopun is often associated with the hip phano soi alive in winter by a return next year starting from last year are the mosquitoes bite. Repeated infections mean parasite that cause infection once before was to get rid of all of the body, but have to get ponsitmai comes in. Repeated infections can not be separated from the demanding back immediately. Although repeat infections back within two weeks of the first infection is typically caused by a failure to maintain the. The person may show short-term immunity (premunity) in case of repeated infections.
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