People called the Great Wall, Beijing called Changcheng means long wall was an important construction in ancient China. Are the wonders of the world. There is a saying,From the moon,
.When talking about the Great Wall. Almost everyone will hear the construction wall of Emperor Qin or the emperor จิ๋นซี or list of South Korean flags (Mandarin, call. Qin, media, Huang Di, the first emperor of the Qin)
.In fact, this wall was started when 700 years BC, at that time, China was divided into many countries countries. Which often appear war battle between them.These walls are not the same as the wall of normal. But the wall is quite long. A great wall of China before Qin Dynasty until 200 BC จักรพรรดิจิ๋นซี has included China as one and the founding of the Qin Dynasty.He sent troops 3 thousands of people to the people 5 thousands of people together, build big, start from the West City, Lin Tao to east city of Le moment Dong. Length, 10000 Li, make people call this wall, the wall of a thousand miles this wall was built on the base of the Great Wall older takes to create just 9.
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