The master processor are autonomous, who argues the Portuguese of the "Lion blues "เชลซี prepare flight platform, Czech ดาเมล Falcone scratching in the game is used to produce national team pulled his score in place of hope stamps Ford bridge
The media mirror in the city, reports that the processor are autonomous, who argues the manager team happy days of "Lion blues "เชลซี plans to invest 60 million pounds to win the ดาเมล Falcone, scratching the head of a spear in Colombian เอเอส Monaco.In the New Year.
who argues, are autonomous, prepare to travel to Czech striker's Platform platforms with their own strength, the Falcone in the game will be on the field to scratch a friendly game between Colombia, Belgium, on the weekend, this is a impressive works if Tunisia60 million pounds which will be a peak in the players to buy the Premier League now
However, it is a target of Falcone scratching เชลซี since the summer, but the star Colombia kick back to decide to move out of the Congo, in French ลีกเอิง suddenly, so that in fact have to go to a lion, and Samuel took a bigInstead, it works much better than it should be. As well as Fernando Torres, are not able to form better. Mr big the Portuguese so I have to go back to target to find again.
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