Principle and reason.The problem of drugs is a major problem in one of the countries i Ka. That bonthamlai resources and the stability of the nation and society. Has operations in every possible way to prevent and wipe out drug users, with pam? The trading and manufacturing of drugs, but because of the problem of drugs is a new problem that is difficult to absorb and so no action. Remember the need to plan for the operation on each side carefully and not only Thailand but the country. Other countries have also attempted to inhibit abuse. The trading and manufacturing of drugs. The behaviour of human medicines. There are two reasons: to help ourselves in a condition that is a normal condition, that is, to treat the disease, and to exorcise the pain, go missing, or otherwise use the drug to liberate ourselves from the normal condition, that is, to make us feel comfortable, lively or refreshing. To change the mood or perception; Now The drug comes in our society. Whether it's heroin, morphine and other ikkwa type 100, which in addition to adults will be hooked and it still has a little life into Thailand youth hooked on these. Which is considered to be the entire economic loss. Government and society because many drug users will be able to make the profession functions. The crimes Causing social problems. People who do not affect drug. The cause of addiction in the present there are many possible causes, such as. -Medicines to myself without getting advice from a doctor. When eaten frequently, it will make the next. -Parent families do not have time to take care of their children because they want to make a career out of home, children go outdoors may be friendship with a fellow t-induction to abuse drugs or scam to misuse or even a father. The mother, may be a divorce, causing their children to drug. We will talk about the causes of the addiction came from families with problems. Whether a child has no time to take care of their parents. His parents divorce. These cases might make children born railing, because if don't get justice done, children turn to drugs. This is because children want to use drugs as there are suffering because of the way or there may be bad, or it could be because the clues the children lacked love and attention from their parents. When I am lonely, to find out which might be the path leading to the problem of drug use. All children, it would be a good person is loved by everyone is that there are mean father of the society itself. No one wants to be the bad guys, or would you like to go, but action addicts sometimes kids think their place is. Well done, but sometimes it may be contrary to the ideas of adults, it can cause a child not understand each other. Decision. Reasoning sometimes are not carefully not marketed. Make a path that will lead to drugs easily. To give children and young people away from drugs. The need to resolve the fundamental problem causes leading to the problem of drug use, including the family and the community. At the same time, with the drug solution to reduce the amount of illegal drugs in our society down. When the child receives love and warmth from the care from his parents sufficiently. Children's addiction issues, it will not happen. The needs of children from their families. -To love Kids need love from their parents, who are. When a problem occurs, it has turned to consult with their parents. - ต้องการการยอมรับและความเชื่อถือจากพ่อแม่ พ่อแม่ไม่ควรประคบประหงม ลูกมากเกินไป ควรจะให้โอกาสลูกได้ทำอะไรด้วยตัวเองบ้าง - การคบเพื่อน พ่อแม่ควรจะรู้จักเพื่อนของลูกและรวมไปถึงพ่อแม่ของเขาด้วย ย่อมจะดีกว่าการไปบังคับ หรือเข้มงวดในการคบเพื่อน เพราะการเข้มงวด จะทำให้เด็กรู้สึกว่ากำลังโดนบังคับ เขาจะเกิดการต่อต้าน - การให้เด็กได้เปิดโอกาสชี้แจงเหตุผล พ่อแม่ควรจะรับฟัง ไม่ควรคิดว่าเด็กเถียง เพราะถ้าเด็กได้พูดออกาแล้ว จะได้ทราบความนึกคิดของเด็ก หากเป็นทัศนคติที่ผิด ก็จะได้แก้ไขได้ หากไม่ปล่อยให้พูดเลย เด็กก็จะรับเอาสิ่งที่ผิดๆนั้นไปตลอด -The time to improve itself. In order to improve the eating habits of children themselves. Parents should give him some time. To improve himself. They should not rush to change a good friend in Tan. Forces greater than the time or opportunity. The children sometimes do mistakes go. They want parents aphaihai with him, and they should be given the opportunity to cure the children. The most important reasons is that parents should be given close attention of children? And teach the children know what's good and what is bad, what for him. When the children get warm enough, it will be difficult for children to drug addiction.
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