When you have a chance to study in England, the first thing you have to meet, is first social etiquette start for the first time. English people when meet method stretch right to catch and shaking hands slightly with said How do you do?Or Nice to meet you then start a conversation with matters related to that person, such as the work. What he learned, most people will feel comfortable. To talk about close to end the conversation change every time should use the word Sorry I ', and MUsed for saying sorry to bump, or on foot. The speaker feel sad or did it without expect the results to be Second keeping people อังกฤษถือว่า keeping is honored together with important enough. To keep your word.Third general etiquette in the conversation, if you don't know, doubt, doubt, ask, it is normal, no shame, no speak English loudly in front of the British. If you need to talk to ask for permission first.
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