Phylum Anne compounds (Phylum Annelida)
phylum of animals that live in this call that normal. Nematodes arthropods (Segmentted round worm) or Anne Malick. (Annelid) 1,182,439,719th are as follows: 1. symmetric cut a hole in the fuselage 2. flatbed (Eucoelomate animal) by this gap in the middle tissue layer 3. round body, long look at the real articulate. Occur across the body as a pivot 4. (Seta) protruding from the surface of the fuselage. Except in freshwater leech No 5. Digestive complete. Both oral and anal tube straight trunk 6. circulatory system is a closed system (Closed circulatory system) includes the heart, the blood vessels contract called Artificial Heart (Pseudoheart) acts to pump blood. blood vessels throughout the body and a separate sect. Blood red of hemoglobin in the blood. The colorless blood cells 7. respiratory system also relies on body surface wet the gas exchange with the environment. But in the Barnacle mother lateral organs that aid in gas exchange 8. excretory organs called Neve Meridian (Naphridia) which is inserted inside the segment. Similar nephron (Nephron) of higher vertebrates 9. The nervous system is a double line on the belly called. Ventral nerve Each segment will have nerves branching out from ventral nerve. To various organs within that segment 10. Most homosexuals Some animal species are separated as polychaetes nematodes are articulate animals in the phylum Anne compounds useful as 1. earthworms that live in the soil will help to put friable. Be well ventilated 2. earthworms eat organic remains in the soil contribute to the decomposition of organic matter in the soil faster 3. Data of earthworms have many nutrients to the plant. Such as a fertilizer plant with a phylum of animals in this example : 1. Freshwater leeches. And land snails live by sucking the blood of others are external parasites 2. Buggtael may cause redness, itching and pain.
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